
4 min
Alas, no magic wand to grow your hair. But, a good routine can really do miracles! Hydration, food, protection and care are the pillars of sustainable hair growth. Today, we are talking about superpowers of vegetable oils on your hair. Associated with our Krynéo cures, this is certainly the winning duo! But before diving head first into masks and care, a reminder of the three phases of the hair life cycle.

Phase 1: growth
The Anagène phase. It can last from 2 to 7 years, depending on the individual. During this period, the hair actively grows. The cells of the hair bulb are divided quickly, producing new hair cells. The hair gradually lengthens as the cells are pushed upwards. About 85-90 % of the hair on our head is in the Anagène phase at one point. The maximum length that a hair can reach is determined by the duration of this phase.

Phase 2: Transition
This is the so -called catagen phase and it lasts approximately 2 to 3 weeks. Hair growth ceases. The hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla, which provides the nutrients necessary for hair growth. Only about 1 % of our hair is in the catagen phase at some point. The hair becomes finer and its base begins to prepare to enter the rest phase.

Phase 3: rest
It lasts about 2 to 4 months, it is the telogen phase. The hair no longer grows, but remains attached to the hair follicle. At the end of this phase, the hair falls and a new one begins to form in the hair follicle, thus starting a new cycle. About 10-15 % of the hair is in the telogen phase at one point. This phase is often associated with the natural fall of hair (about 50 to 100 per day).


Long hair for women, short hair for men, it's not just a style story ...

Because hair grows differently in men and women, mainly due to hormonal differences and genetic. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone, shorten the capillary growth phase (Anagène) in men, often causing androgenetic baldness. Women, thanks to estrogens, benefit from a longer anagen phase, promoting a denser hair and sustainable.

How to stimulate growth sustainably? Focus the oils natural vegetables. 


Natural oils are renowned for their benefits on hair growth thanks to their nourishing properties, moisturizers and stimulating. We have selected some of the most effective for you.
Rich in omega-6 and 9 fatty acids as well as vitamin E Castor oil Reinforces the roots and promotes blood circulation. She nourishes the scalp And keeps it healthy because it is also antibacterial and antifungal.

Coconut oil penetrates deep into the hair follicle, offering intense hydration and preventing hair breakage. It is rich in fatty acids and essential proteins that strengthen hair and promote growth.

Known as "liquid gold", Argan oil is rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids. It nourishes the scalp, strengthens the hair and prevents fork spikes, helping to maintain healthy and strong hair.
Jojoba oil Regulates sebum production, hydrates the scalp and prevents dandruff, thus creating an environment favorable to hair growth.

Rich in magnesium, fatty acids and vitamins has, Beast, Sweet almond oil nourishes and softens the hair. It helps prevent breakage and improve the texture of the hair, while stimulating its growth.
Rosemary essential oil is known to stimulate blood circulation that irrigates the scalp, thus promoting hair growth. It is also used to prevent the fall and strengthen the hair follicles.


Grape gloss oil is light and rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. It hydrates without weighing down the hair, prevents forked spikes and stimulates growth thanks to its nourishing properties.


Avocado oil is rich in vitamins A, D, E and essential fatty acids. It penetrates deep into the scalp, nourishing the hair follicles and promoting growth while making them softer and brighter.


To maximize the benefits of these oils, it is recommended to use them regularly in massage or hair mask. By combining them with a balanced diet, which provides enough protein, vitamins, minerals like the zinc And iron, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, it's Bingo!


And to boost the growth in a sustainable way, we also act from the inside, thanks to food supplements specifically formulated for hair health, such as our Krynéo cures.

They contain biotin, B vitamins and amino acids which are particularly beneficial. The cure of food supplements Krynéo Essential Care Improves and maintains hair health, promotes natural growth and repairs damaged hair. Our 16 cutting -edge ingredients with complementary actions will act in depth and make volume and shine to your hair. This formula contains all vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids necessary for good hair health. It nourishes your hair from the inside and in depth. Rich in keratin, it brings the constitutive bricks of hair fiber and fulfills all the needs of your hair.

Our cures are developed by doctors and nutritionists to The specific needs of man and woman.

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