
3 min
This is one of the questions that comes up most often: "Is there a link between oily hair and hair loss? »Answers and advice.

Gras, a phenomenon that explains how?

Barely washed and you feel like your hair is already starting to grease. The roots are sticky and darker than the lengths, the sensation is unpleasant and, above all, you are uncomfortable in the eyes of others.

Having oily hair can greatly complicate your daily life: you want to chain shampoos, test all kinds of solutions and hide your excess sebum. But it can also impact self -esteem, until it becomes a real obsession.

So how can we explain that some of the hair leathers are greater than others and what is it due?



The four main causes of oily hair

This excessive secretion of sebum is generally explained by one or the combination of these factors:


  • Certain habits, including the frequent port of a hat, a helmet or a cap, but also the fact of going on all the time in your hair, can grease the hair fiber and the roots. An unpleasant diet and too much consumption of processed products and Junk Food are also one of these habits that can negatively influence the scalp state.
  • Our environment, and in particular pollution, can also cause a disruption of the sebaceous glands. If they perceive attacks (polluted air, cigarette ash, smoke, etc.), the scalp cells react to protect it and ensure their waterproofing. They then produce protection with a hydrolipidic film, that is to say sebum.
  • Unsuitable products (For example, a too aggressive and stripping shampoo) can induce an imbalance in the microbiota of the scalp and cause a reaction of our cells and an overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands.
  • A hormonal disruption, whether it is linked to puberty, contraception, pregnancy or delivery, is also a very common factor at the origin of Séborrhea.



Does seborrhea have an impact on hair health?

Rest assured, Séborrhea will not cause the fall of your hair! On the other hand, if you are already suffering from alopecia progressive, then It can worsen its effects.
The risk: that your scalp too fatty slows down the regrowth of the hair. And this, because too full of sebum on the scalp will increase and weaken the roots, embarrass the circulation of blood and hinder the optimal growth of the hair follicle. In the long term and if the situation stagnates, the hair that grows can be more and more fine and fragile.


Our advice in the event of Séborrhea:

  • Consult your doctor Or your dermatologist to identify the causes and define the appropriate treatment.

  • Choose your opt for Sebo-regulatory formulas And silicone, a component frequently used in hair products, but which can stifle the roots.

  • Prefer a hair brush that does not irritate your scalp, with flexible pins. Clean it frequently.

  • Use a low heat When drying your hair so as not to irritate your scalp.

  • Limit your consumption of processed products and refined sugars. A healthy and balanced food will always be your best health ally.

  • Check your Packages in nutrients, trace elements and vitamins With your body, and in particular your hair, need to be healthy. In the event of a deficiency, opt for a natural food supplement cure to meet your needs and boost your health.


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