Understand the hair cycle
Did you know that 90% of your hair is continuously in the growth phase, while 10% on average is in the fall? And that it is normal to lose between 100 and 150 hair per day?
The hair continues continuously a life cycle in 3 phases: it pushes (growth phase, called "anagène"), it stagnates ("catagen" phase characterized by stopping growth) and it falls (phase of falling phase called the telogen phase).
Your hair no longer grows ... why?
Several factors can disrupt the life cycle of the hair or slow down its growth. Here are the most common causes:
- The majority of hair loss or slowdowns of growth is due to food deficiencies. The body indeed needs a whole bunch of nutrients to work well. If you notice a change in the health of your hair, start with a blood test, you may simply discover a need in zinc, in Vitamins B, in omega-3 or in vitamin D.
- Healthy hair requires a healthy scalp. If your scalp is not in good health or that you suffer from itchy Recurrent or eczema, it may influence the health of your hair. Difficult indeed for the hair follicle to develop well if it is suffocated by plates or dandruff. Do not hesitate to ask your dermatologist for advice.
- The malfunction of The thyroid Can also be the cause of a disruption of the natural renewal of the hair. In this case, see your doctor.
- People subject to stress or an emotional shock may also be a total stop or a slowdown in their hair growth.
- THE seasonal changes have an impact on the life cycle of hair, so it is perfectly natural to see a slightly more substantial hair loss at these times of the year, especially during summer to fall.
- In men, the most frequent hair loss is called "Androgenic alopecia". This is a hormonal imbalance due to an overly high presence of testosterone, and more particularly an enzyme produced by this male hormone: DHT. More info on this subject here.
- Of Bad styling and drying habits can also weaken your hair: the use of a hair dryer or a straightener, the choice of harmful hair products, etc.
If you notice a abnormal and substantial hair loss, it is in any case better to consult your general practitioner or your dermatologist without delay. Hair loss will indeed always be treated better if it is taken care of in time.
The right gestures to adopt to stimulate the growth of your hair
- Pay attention to your care products: avoid them aggressive products which weaken your hair and those based on silicones.
- Consume foods rich in protein and omega-3 such as eggs, Lawyers, nuts And Salmon To give a boost to the hair fiber and promote its growth.
- Massage your scalp with your fingertips To stimulate blood circulation and use care oils And serums that contribute to hair growth.
- Think of food supplements to improve your nutrient intake. There cure Kryneo "Intense repair" Contains the 23 natural ingredients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, plants, etc.) the most recognized for your health and that of your hair.
Intense Krynéo Cure Repair
Your hair finds health!
His action:
Strengthens your hair, slows down it falls and boosts them.
The result After 3 to 6 months of treatment:
No or no more hair loss, denser and shiny hair, more resistant and thick hair.