
6 min
2023 will soon be reverence and give way to a new year. The opportunity for some to take stock of the past months, for others to take new resolutions. If you like to set goals before starting the month of January, these few tips could interest you.

On January 1, school re-entries or even Mondays are as many symbolic meetings that many people consider the starting points for new projects or the opportunity to set up beneficial changes in their lives.

Almost 90 % of those who take resolutions would not succeed in holding them. So how can we avoid this fatality and count among those who come up their personal challenges? Here are our best tips.


1) Concentrate on one or two resolutions

No need to write a long list of changes to be implemented in your life - the task would be (almost) lost in advance, as it would seem large. To keep a good motivation all year round and get results, the best is finally to focus on a Resolution that is really close to your heart and which can be integrated realistically into your daily life.

Take language lessons to learn Spanish before your next big trip to Mexico, learn to make macaroons, register for show dance lessons to participate in a salsa event at the end of the year: realize All these objectives the same year would be complicated, but to start one or two of these projects is quite possible. Choose well!



2) Define achievable objectives

The key to reaching a goal is to split it into different realistic and reachable stages. By targeting a level or a progress stadium at the same time, you put more luck on your side to get closer to the finish line, while keeping a good morale and strengthening your motivation at each stage.

If you want to participate in a half-marathon in November, give yourself the aim of running five kilometers for March, ten for the summer, and so on. Better yet: find a running club or friends with whom you train every week, which will make the project more pleasant and therefore easier to hold in the long term.


3) Write your goals

It may seem useless, but that is actually what can make all the difference. Write black on white your goals (and sub-objectives) will help you structure your ideas, prioritize the various tasks linked to it and give you a greater feeling of responsibility towards this challenge. If the resolution remains of the order of thought, there is indeed a good chance that you end up forgetting it or putting it aside. Keeping your goal, before you, will help you keep the course during the year.

Better still, "publicly" states your goals by talking to your loved ones! This will strengthen your desire to carry them out.


4) Surround you good people

Certain changes are more difficult to set up than others: stop smoking, learn to eat healthier, get into sport, get rid of a toxic relationship, gain self -confidence ...

However, there are many external resources (books, coaching, meditation, etc.) that can be useful to you. Some people are also able to support you in your approach (doctor, psychologist, tobaccoologist, running companion or friend who loves cooking). So do not hesitate to search or accept the available help.





The best resolutions to take for 2024 (in our opinion!)


1) Optimize your health

Improve your diet, stop smoking, decrease or stop your alcohol consumption, practice regular physical activity, sleep better ... The essential practices for optimal health are numerous and rare are those who can boast of having A perfect lifestyle.

The idea is not to attack all these projects at the same time, but rather to choose one or two ... and to stick to it! Stop smoking could for example constitute the resolution of a year, reaching a sports club can mark the beginning of the following year, etc. To take a step both on the path of your well-being is ultimately what matters most to deeply improve your health in the long term.


You don't know which health resolution to take first?

Start by taking stock of your nutrients. Bringing your body all the minerals, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids it needs to work well is indeed the first essential step to optimize your health. Do not hesitate to make a blood test At your general practitioner to assess your possible deficiencies. You can also strengthen your body with quality food supplements according to your needs: boost your immunity, improve your digestion, promote better sleep, etc.

You find that your hair is finer, fragile and that your scalp East sparse? You suffer from hair loss? These symptoms also testify to nutritional deficiencies. To find better hair health, start your Krynéo cure, a 100% natural formula which contains all the nutrients your hair needs.



2) Say goodbye to stress

Even if it has major repercussions on the immune system, morale and the quality of sleep (among others), stress is today One of the most common health issues. Good news: it is not not fatality (as we tend to think)!

Practice regular physical activity, discover meditation or yoga, take time for you or even establish more substantial transformations in your daily life (for example, reducing working time or a change of position, if stress is linked to your job)… Everything is good to take to reduce stress sources!


3) Take care of yourself and others

Taking care of yourself physically, morally and emotionally should be our priority to all ... every year! Taking care of others is just as important. Offering our support, help or just a smile can make all the difference to live better together. Studies prove it: feeling useful and being kind also contributes to increasing your own well-being ... It is therefore a great virtuous circle !

Visit his grandparents once a week, call a distant friend every month, keep the children of a couple of overwhelmed friends so that they spend an evening together, offer a meal every week Homeless that you come across regularly ... The opportunities to take care of others are endless, just grab them.


Krynéo resolutions for the new year

At Krynéo too, we take good resolutions! And they all join one of our primary objectives: Help our customers find their capillary health and greater physical and moral well-being. This resolution will materialize in 2024 by many projects: the continuous improvement of our formulas, the overhaul of our website so that it is clearer and simple to navigate, an ever greater proximity to advise you ...


More than ever, we want to be by your side in 2024 to help you improve your hair well-being.


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Continue your trip to healthier and stronger hair With our cures specially designed for you.

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