
3 min
How to choose a hair treatment when the health of your hair is at half mast? It's simple ... yes and no: it all depends in reality on your situation, namely your gender (man or woman), the causes of your hair loss and its intensity (light or massive fall). We take stock with you.

Identify the causes of your hair loss

We often forget it, but Most hair falls are due to nutritional deficiencies. If your diet is unbalanced or low in nutrients, if you have made access recently or if you have changed your eating habits, it is quite possible that the loss of vitality of your hair is linked. Do a blood test Can be useful for identifying possible deficiencies, especially in essential nutrients for hair health (zinc, Vitamin A, Group B vitamins, Vitamin E, vitamin C, etc.).

There second cause main of the hair fall is the hormonal imbalance. A pregnancy, a postpartum And menopause are usually the cause of a hair loss in women. On the men's side, hormones are also to be monitored because they are the cause of Androgenic alopecia, which distributes the skull from many gentlemen.
The other most common causes of hair loss are the stress, THE seasonal changes, A emotional shock, or even a medical treatment consequent.



Cures adapted to your hair loss

Doctors and Nutri-therapists of the Krynéo team have developed two capillary cures:

  • There Cure Essential Care, who has an action preventive.

Recommended in case of Light to moderate hair loss, it improves, strengthens and maintains hair health. It brings all the nutrients necessary for hair health and promotes the natural growth of hair.


  • The cure Intense repair, who has an action curative.

Recommended in case of moderate in Intense hair, it restores the health of damaged hair, slows down the fall and boosts the regrowth. It of course also brings all the nutrients that the hair needs, but it also improves the hormonal balance of men and women thanks to plants recognized for their benefits.



Why and when to choose the Krynéo "Essential Care" treatment?

The Krynéo Essential Care Cure, thanks to its preventive action, is ideal for strengthening the health of your hair at any time of the year, in anticipation of a situation that will impact the state of your hair:


  • before and during a change of season (especially when fall and spring arrived)
  • During and after a stress period (School examinations, change of work, move, etc.)
  • In case of big fatigue physical or emotional
  • At the start of menopause
  • In the event of a change of food or if a time of year is for you conducive to excess (end of year or summer celebrations, for example).

All like vitamin D, recommended as a treatment by health professionals from September to May to strengthen the immune defenses and support the organization, the Essential Care cure is one of those reflexes to adopt to take care of your health.
For Prepare the way to fall and winter (the time of year when energy and tone are the weakest), Nothing like an essential Care cure in August and September/October.
The objective:Do not wait until you lose your hair to react and instead, identify periods or situations that negatively impact the state of Your hair to take the lead and avoid the hair fall.


Did you like our advice?

Continue your trip to healthier and stronger hair With our cures specially designed for you.

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