
6 min
We met Ann David, Nutritherapeuthe and collaborator of Doctor Résimont, to discuss hair health. She shares with us some explanations and advice regarding hair loss.

What is your professional career?

Passionate about nutrition and in particular interested in The impact that health and well-being has food, I am micronutrition graduate and I practice like Nutritherapeuthe alongside the Doctor Stéphane Résimont, recognized specialist For his knowledge and skills in functional and anti-aging medicine.

There Nutrition and micro nutrition are essential for the proper functioning of the body and the brain and ensure better longevity. Any consultation in functional medicine always begins with a nutrition consultation.


Do you meet a lot of patients who suffer from a hair loss?


Enormously ! Men and women come very regularly to consult me ​​following a hair loss. Whether sudden or diffuse in time, light or massive, all abnormal hair falls worried Many people who suffer from it.

In fact, finding hair on the pillow, losing by handles when you brush your hair, discover that certain areas of the skull are increasingly sparse ... all of this is extremely destabilizing and disturbing. Not only does the person not understand what is happening to him and wonders directly about his general state of health, but hair loss is also difficult morally. It's very complicated and the patients I meet, especially women, suffer a decrease in their esteem and their confidence.



What are your patient's hair loss due?

It completely depends from one person to another and that is why we explore with them all the possible explanations of such a situation.

The vast majority of hair loss are however caused by nutritional deficiencies. Most people do not necessarily realize how much health - general, but also hair - depends on nutrients. Food, and therefore the nutrients it provides to the body, is essential: it is fuel, electricity, gas ... This is the basis of the functioning of our body! If there are deficiencies, the repercussions on the body are almost immediate and can be impressive, as during hair loss. It is therefore important to eat well, but also to complement yourself well since we know today that food is less rich in vitamins than in the past.


What are the other causes of hair loss?


After nutritional deficiencies, The most frequent causes Hair loss is hypothyroidism, dysbiosis - intestinal inflammation, low ferritin, the stress And Hormonal disturbances (Lack of estrogens in women).

We also receive people, often youth, who suffer from excavation, which is more particular and just as much (or even more!) Difficult to bear morally.


What do you do when a person consults you for hair loss?

I initially check its diet that the toxic such as gluten and dairy products are not involved, because their consumption often leads to intestinal inflammation.
I then ensure that the patient is not in hypothyroidism, because it can cause hair loss. I complement a zinc and I give basic supplementation of the multi vitamin type.

Then we ask for a blood analyse To check them rate of certain nutrients Essentials for hair health (vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and minerals): the ferritin must be greater than 70 and the zinc must exceed 100, for example. I also analyze the rates of the Coenzyme Q10, vitamins B9 and B12, of the estrogens and some testosterone. The latter is important because its imbalance, that is to say when there is an excessive transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (also called DHT) at the level of the pile follicle, is the cause of Androgenic alopecia.
I also invest with the person Various factors that could potentially influence his hair health: THE stress, there fatigue, THE lack physical activity, endocrine disruptors, heavy metals, etc.


What do you recommend to your patients?


Whatever the cause of my patient's hair loss, given the crucial importance of nutrition to Strengthen and restore hair health, I recommend them Follow a food supplement cure. This stage seems to me essential to lay the foundations for better health and, therefore, make shine, volume and force to the hair.
Kryneo cures are the only ones I recommend to my patients. They revolutionized the market for hair cures, there is No comparison possible.
These cures are very complete And bring together all the essential nutrients to the health of the hair: the keratin, of the Vitamins B, THE vitamins HAS, E, VS, THE selenium, THE zinc, THE silicon, but also antioxidants such as L'astaxanthine and the grape polyphenols.
Kryneo formulas are also adapted to the needs of men and women with compositions specific to each, both in the ingredients chosen (the dwarf palm tree for men, in particular) that in dosages, which makes all the difference in terms ofefficiency.
They Also target other factors of hair loss with some plants recognized for their benefits (THE saffron To act against stress, for example).
All in a way 100% natural And out of the way, so it's perfect.



My two advice:
  1. For Optimize the effect of these cures, you must of course be rigorous. If the patient forgets them every other day, the efficiency will obviously be less. I generally observe the First results from 6 weeks cure, but I recommend rather 3 months of continuous cure to fully enjoy its benefits.
  1. The cures being ultra -balanced, capsules can be difficult to bear for the stomach. Be careful, therefore, Take them during or after meals, because digestion can be difficult on an empty stomach.


Do you want to contact Ann David or meet her?
Meeting on His Facebook page or on Doctor Stéphane Résimont's website: .


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