
3 min
Ideal on our plates, some oils are also perfect for taking care of our hair. Zoom on their properties and the best way to use them.

The benefits of omega on our health

If fat generally has bad press, It should not be confused with the "good fats" essential to our health. Indeed, to function, our body needs essential fatty acids that he cannot make himself. They are Useful for regulating tension, renewal of membranes or immune and anti-inflammatory responses… More than half of our brain is made up of lipids, these essential fatty substances.

There are two types of essential fatty acids:

• Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3)

• linoleic acid (omega 6)

The balance between the two is important because, consumed excessively, omega 6 prevent the proper assimilation of omega 3.

Omega 3 are particularly necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and the learning process. Researchers even establish a correlation between an omega 3 deficit and aggressiveness, depression or certain neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.


Integrate essential fatty acids in our diet

Our body needs these fatty acids and, since it cannot synthesize them, it is up to us to provide them by food. Good news: certain foods are naturally rich in omega 3. This is the case, among other things, oil and flax seeds, nut, lamb, rapeseed oil, soybeans, tofu or Roquefort cheese. THE Pisces fat also contains omega 3. So do not hesitate to make room on your plate for salmon, herring, tuna and mackerel. Finally, Corn and sunflower oils are interesting sources of omega 6.

To preserve fatty acids, these oils should not be heated, but rather be used raw in our salads and dressings. A few teaspoons of linseed oil with a dash of lemon, a spoon of mustard, salt and pepper and here is your salad enhanced with a touch of pep!

Favor good quality cold pressed oils so that they are as little transformed as possible. Finally, why not alternate different oils to vary tastes and take advantage of the advantages of each?

Mono-insaturated fatty acids, omega 9 are other "good fats" beneficial for the organization. They are found in particular in olive oil and the lawyers.

Oils to enhance your hair

As often, what is good for our body is also quite natural for our hair. The good idea: to enjoy these oils as much in the bathroom as in the kitchen!

Extra virgin olive oil plays a protective filter role, both on dry and brittle hair that frizzy or curly. In mask on all hair or simply on lengths and tips before going to sleep, it brings them strength and flexibility, which will promote their grows.

To prepare your Home Fortifying Mask, mix two tablespoons of olive oil and a egg, another source of "good fat". Apply the mixture to the whole hair by massaging the skull well to stimulate microcirculation. Leave on for 20 minutes before washing your hair as usual.

There are many beneficial oils for the hair, to choose according to their characteristics and their state of health. Think of the oil wheat germ, Coconut oil, Castor oil… Economic and ecological, the oils are real gifts of nature for your health and your hair.



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