Air pollution is therefore to be taken very seriously for our health and that of our hair. Reacting effectively is not only preserving your physical health, but also protecting your hair from invisible, but real attacks. An adapted capillary routine, as well as protective care is essential to counter these effects and maintain our beautiful stories in great shape.

Why is the air we breathe polluted?
Because it contains harmful substances resulting mainly from human activities (transport, industries). The main pollutants include fine particles (PM10, PM2.5), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (No2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and compounds volatile organics (VOC). These pollutants affect respiratory health, worsen cardiovascular disease, and contribute to global warming. Pollution sources are for example vehicles, factories, domestic heating and certain agricultural practices.
The harmful effects of pollution on the hair and on the scalp
These elements, present mainly in town, but also in the countryside near industrial zones, are omnipresent and invisible. They are deposited on the surface of the hair and scalp, creating a real "polluting film" which stifles the hair fiber.
The hair becomes dull and brittle. This pollution prevents them from breathing properly, which leads to a loss of shine and flexibility. In addition, fine particles obstruct pores from the scalp, thus promoting irritation, itching and the appearance of dandruff.
In the long term, pollution can also weaken the root, which contributes to a premature fall. The hair becomes fragile, finer, and its growth is slowed down.
Larger repercussions in town than in the countryside
Nothing surprising to that. In poorly industrialized areas, hair is less exposed to fine particles. Pollution is more concentrated in the city, although it is not completely absent in rural areas. In urban areas, high levels of pollution, exhaust gases and industrial smoke are constant enemies for our hair. The great outdoors is a little youthful cure for the skin and for the hair. Think about it from time to time!
Do not panic, we breathe and we act now to protect our hair effectively.
No, no, no, the solution is not to stay locked up at home or abandon everything to raise goats in the mountains! In the short term, we put priority on the detox Hair. The goal is to rid them of polluting particles by brushing them and cleaning them regularly with suitable products. A good clarifying shampoo, a clay or coal exfoliant, can help eliminate these impurities. But be careful not to abuse washing, as it could dry the hair.
In the long term, it is important to feed them and protect them with specific antipollution treatments based on extracts from Moringa, acacia or aloe vera gum. These care form a protective barrier against external aggressions, strengthen hair fiber and help the regeneration of hair damaged by pollution.
Finally, a healthy lifestyle including a food rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals,helps support our global health and therefore that of our hair and our scalp. Because it is important to take care of yourself inside and out.
Pollution is part of our daily life, but it should not have the last word! With good gestures, suitable care and our Krynéo cures, you can protect them and give them back all their vitality, even in the most polluted environments.