In the majority of cases, the cause is easier to understand than it seems ... because it is on the plate! THE Nutrient deficiencies, that is to say the lack of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids, are often the cause of a gray hair.
When the quality of the menus is pointing out, health takes a blow ... Result: a loss of vitality, fatigue, skin with imperfections ... and hair loss, which is one of the first visible symptoms of nutritional deficiencies!
Detect deficiencies in vitamins
Apart from vitamins K and D, Our body is not able to make He himself all the nutrients he needs. Some are moreover more prone to deficiencies than others. In Europe, this is the case with Group B vitamins, of the vitamin C, of the vitamin D, of zinc, magnesium and selenium, all, however, more important than each other.
It is therefore necessary to bring to our body everything it needs through food, with various, balanced and healthy menus.
A blood test from time to time is the best way to make sure your nutrient rates are optimal. And if you already feel certain symptoms typical of a nutritious deficiency (increased fatigue, digestion concerns, muscle cramps, vision disorders, dizziness, hair loss, etc.), do not wait to consult your doctor in order to take stock .
What vitamins for healthy hair?
The list of essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body as a whole is long. Rather than approaching everything, let's focus on The most important vitamins and minerals for the health of your hair.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common, since it would affect almost 70% of the population! The lack of vitamin D weakens the hair follicle: the hair is dull, it falls and not repel. This deficiency also causes an increased production of sebum (hello oily hair!).
Where to find it?
Mainly in fatty fish: salmon, trout, salmon trout, sardine, but also in the Egg yolk, butter or cheese.
Group B vitamins
We often call the 8 vitamins of group B "hair vitamins ”because they play an important role in hair growth and growth:
- Vitamin B2 is involved in the production of keratin, the protein that constitutes the hair.
- Vitamin B3 stimulates blood circulation in the scalp.
- Vitamin B5 contributes to the regeneration of hair fiber.
- Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in hair growth by stimulating cell division in hair follicles.
Consult our List of B vitamins and their hair benefits to know more.
Where to find it?
In brewer's yeast, nuts, offal, pulses or green vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect and makes it possible to fight against cellular aging, which accelerates hair loss. She is "good for everything" because she promotes the Beauty of skin, hair and nails !
Where to find it?
Oilking oils and products are particularly rich in vitamin E: almonds, Nuts and hazelnuts. Broccoli and tomatoes also contain them.
Vitamin C
There vitamin C is essential for hair because it Participates in the production of collagen, strengthens hair fiber and fights the drought of the scalp.
Where to find it?
In some fresh fruits and vegetables: kiwi, orange, strawberries, grapefruit, blackcurrant, pineapple, lemon ... Be careful, it does not resist cooking!

Minerals and trace elements
Nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, silicon where the selenium have invaluable effects as an antioxidants or to strengthen the immune response, healing or fertility. They also play a crucial role in hair health.
You will find on our blog Articles dedicated to these minerals and trace elements to find out how to add to your plate. THE chocolate And cocoa are for example rich in zinc, iron and magnesium! The condition: Choose a minimum 70% 70% cocoa chocolate and be limited to 20 g per day.
Ensure your body the quantity of necessary vitamins
To promote good health, your diet must therefore be varied! Also favor fresh food And not very transformed To avoid additives and other harmful substances.
Given the number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that body and hair need, Food can however be insufficient. If you have hair loss, the key is to react quickly to limit the damage, strengthen your hair and boost your regrowth.
We must not underestimate the importance of a supplementation. The team of doctors and nutri-therapists of Krynéo has for this formulas bringing together all essential nutrients for hair health. Available for women and for men, they meet the needs of everyone according to your gender, your needs and your situation: the cures "Essential Care "With 16 essential ingredients in the case of light hair loss and"Intense repairWith 23 ingredients in the case of massive hair loss.
Discover the Krynéo cures And find your hair health.