
4 min
You are the victim of androgenic alopecia and you have finally decided to take the problem in hand. You know that there are a multitude of solutions on the market, but, in this jungle of drugs and lotions, it is not easy to know what to go. These quantities of information, sometimes contradictory, on the functioning, the side effects and the results of these treatments, can prove to be anxiety and do not facilitate decision -making.

Together, we are going to look at two of the most popular molecules, minoxidil and finasteride, and try to see more clearly.
But don't forget: above all, the right reflex is to Consult your attending physician or your dermatologist.



Our advice for a healthy scalp

Initially developed as a drug to treat high blood pressure, it has been noticed, by chance, its side effect stimulator of hair growth.

It acts by dilating the blood vessels of scalp, thus increasing the flow to the hair follicles, which extends the growth phase (anagène) of the hair. After 2 to 3 months, the fall will be considerably hampered. After 6 months, we can see a slight regrowth.
In what form is there?
It is marketed in the form of a capsule to be taken orally or a topical solution (which applies to the surface of the body) to be used locally.
For who ?
Positive reactions have been found in both men and women.
What are the advantages of Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is available in spray, cream or foam, which makes it easy to use directly on the scalp.
He is Compatible with other treatments, such as the finasteride (we tell you about it below), for potentially more effective results.

Minoxidil is generally well tolerated and side effects are rare.

  • It is important to note that its use is not recommended in case of pathology of the scalp causing lesions (eczema, Psoriasis, lupus…).
  • There is also a risk of percutaneous absorption (which lets minoxidil pass through the blood circulation) and can cause serious repercussions in the blood pressure. 

The use of minoxidil is practical and effective in many people with alopecia. However, the solution must be applied all life and without interruption, because, once the treatment is stopped, the positive effects decrease.

The finasteride


Hair loss: why and what to do?

During a hair loss Due to an androgen alopecia, testosterone is transformed into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The DHT will set itself up to the capillary bulb, suffocate it and kill the hair.
The finasteride inhibits the synthesis of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme responsible for this transformation.
Using this drug, DHT concentration can be reduced in these areas up to 60 %, and brake or even stop the fall.
In what form is there?
In tablets to swallow.
For who ?
The finasteride is mainly prescribed to men to fight against androgen alopecia. It is generally not recommended for women because of its composition and potential side effects.
What are the advantages of the finasteride?
It is effective for slow down the progression of male baldness And can promote hair regrowth in certain areas.
It can be used in combination with other drugs or treatments for synergistic results, especially with minoxidil.
Undesirable consequences exist because this process does not only act on hair, but also on the activity of genitals.

  • A decrease in libido, erection disorders, testicular pain ... were found in less than 2% of cases. Fortunately, these inconvenience ceases as soon as the medication is stopped, in the vast majority of cases.
  • Taken over the long term, treatment would tend to refine the hair. Studies show significant results between 3 and 6 months of treatment, with a haircut of better quality after the sixth month. The finasteride must be taken for life and diligently to demonstrate its effectiveness.

If you have no choice but to take a chemical medication, you can combine your treatment at a Krynéo cure, bring all the essential nutrients to your hair. Krynéo offers clinically proven effectiveness care. The ingredients that make them up are 100% natural and studied for each problem.



Krynéo cures
Krynéo cures have been designed by doctors and nutritherapists to cover all the essential needs for good hair health. The cures Intense repair And Cure Essential Care

are concentrates of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids that nourish your hair from the inside and in depth.

The result after 3 to 6 months of treatment: No or no more hair loss, denser and shiny hair, more resistant and thick hair.

The dosage of our cures is adapted according to the needs of the man and the woman.


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