
3 min
Menopause is One of the major physiological stages in a woman's life And corresponds to the cessation of menstruation. She intervenes in his fifties, at 51.4 years on average to be exact.
After the rules, pregnancy and postpartum, menopause is therefore another hormonal upheaval that women undergo. And if we use the term "undergo", it is not for nothing, since it is a change of state generally difficult to bear, both morally and physical. It is also accompanied by A whole bunch of symptoms: headache, sleep disturbances, anxiety, mood swings, decrease in libido or hot flashes. To this list is added Another consequence of menopause that we are more rarely talked about: hair loss.

Why does menopause cause hair loss?

Menopause is characterized by a Fall of the estrogen level (female hormones), Up to -80%. The problem is that the level of androgens (male hormones) decreases much less drastically - barely 10 to 30% less -, which creates a hormonal imbalance. However, it is androgens, and more particularly testosterone and its by-product "DHT" (dihydrotestosterone), which cause the major part of the hair loss, then say "Androgenic alopecies».
To schematize, let us remember that Estrogens are favorable Hair (they promote hair growth and natural growth, strengthen the hair fiber and make the hair resistant and flexible), while Androgens are unfavorable To the hair (they weaken it, make the hair less dense, brittle and dry and hinder growth). It is also because men have more male hormones that they are more likely to lose their hair and have partial or total baldness.
With an estrogen deficit, Androgens therefore take over during menopause and weaken the hair. Result: hair loss which can be substantial, since it concerns up to 2/3 of the hair. This phenomenon sometimes occurs Already during premenopause, or 4 to 5 years before menopause. If you notice a abnormal hair loss or a change of texture of the hair (finer, rough and brittle) from 45, it is likely that it is linked.


What to do to keep beautiful hair despite menopause?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to fully protect yourself from the harmful effects of such a hormonal upheaval, but Some actions can however limit the damage. Here are our tips for promoting the good health of your hair:

  1. Take more than ever care of your hair! Use hair products as natural as possible and Avoid harmful ingredients, adopt the right gestures to Wash, dry and style your hair gently and make a "capillary detox" from time to time.
  1. Strengthen your general health! By improving your health and promoting the proper functioning of your body, you put all the odds on your side so that your body is more able to resist in the face of an upheaval such as menopause. Have a Regular physical activity, sleep well, relax to Fight the effects of stress Or taking time for yourself is obviously important. Eat healthy and bring to your body all nutrients which he needs is even more so, because it is the fuel of your organization. Find our blog our advice on our blog to fill up on all the essential nutrients to your body and crucial for your hair health.

Make a food supplements targeted. When the body undergoes such a change, it draws from its resources and exhausts its reserves. Not to mention that with age, deficiencies are already much more common. To boost your body and help him limit the effects of menopause, opt for A cure adapted to your needs. There Krynéo "intense repair" for women is ideal during premenopause and menopause. Natural, it contains 23 cutting-edge ingredients: vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids to strengthen your health and plants recognized for their benefits on hormonal balance (Saw Palmetto, Houblon, Luzerne, Seeds linen and sage seeds).


Intense Krynéo Cure Repair

The hair solution for women in premenopause or menopausal

His action:
It strengthens your hair, slows down it falls and boosts them.
The result After 3 to 6 months of treatment:

No or no more hair loss, denser and shiny hair, more resistant and thick hair.



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