
6 min
Friday, March 17, 2023, I had the pleasure of meeting Maud L .. Maud is 40 years old and from Libramont (Belgium).
Following a burnout in 2020, its immune system was strongly weakened.
It then developed atopic eczema, significant inflammation of the scalp.
Her hair quickly undergoes the consequences: they start to fall into mass.
She agreed to share with us her career, her difficulties, the beginning of her Krynéo cure and the evolution of her treatment.

When did you notice that you lose your hair?

I underwent a first burn-out in May 2020 and the doctor prescribed an antidepressant to me. A few weeks later, I started to have eczema on the scalp. It was sunting, irritating and my hair was filled with Dime. I used cream to relieve itching, but my hair started to fall. After consulting a dermatologist, he prescribed me cortisone, which I did not want to take. I took three months of stopping then I returned to work with a medical half-time and eczema gradually reduced.

Unfortunately, in September 2021, I was again the victim of a burn-out after returning to the full-time work and arrested the antidepressants in January. I always had eczema plates, especially on the temples, and I had lost my hair On the top of the head.
After trying several grandmother remedies such as castor oil, brewer's yeast, and others, I unfortunately found that my hair still did not grow.
I started to realize that the problem was rather linked to my general state of health.
As my body was lacking in energy, my hair could not grow back, because I didn't even have enough energy to take care of myself.


Are there any hair loss history in your family?


No, in my family, I never got to know such problems.


In addition to the effects of burnout and the effects on your life, such as lack of enthusiasm, fatigue ... Have you noticed changes in your eating habits?

The lack of motivation led to an increase in snacking and, in my case, I did not choose healthy foods. I no longer wanted to cook and it was easier to control ready -made food. Now I realize that this diet has also helped to "burn" vitamins without renewing them.


How do you feel in front of this hair loss?

I think that, at first, we feel misunderstanding in the face of this phenomenon. We can also experience a feeling of injustice, because burnout is already a difficult test to cross, and losing your hair, symbol of femininity for many, adds a layer of additional difficulty.


How did this affect your esteem of you and your confidence?


During this period, I was first touched by the eczema problem. But the situation was gradually improving. On the other hand, my hair did not push back at all.
This has an impact on self -image, as dandruff associated with eczema are often perceived negatively in society and are often associated with a lack of hygiene.
Calvitity at the forehead made the situation even more difficult. It's hard to see your condition reflected in a mirror or window. I was also stressed not to see my Hair repel, But I never wanted to hide them with scarves or wigs.


Have you ever mentioned this with your loved ones and did it prevent you from doing certain things?


I am a very positive person, who likes to spend time with his loved ones.
I love to attend concerts. The energy of the crowd and the outings with friends, it boosts me a lot. Unfortunately, this stage of my life arrived during the Cavid-19 pandemic. I could not draw the energy I needed and feed myself from meetings and outings as I would have liked.
However, my friends were very present and attentive during this difficult period.


How did you hear about Krynéo and why did you choose to try it?

I discovered Krynéo thanks to one of my friends. When you go through a difficult period like mine, you are always looking for solutions to promote hair regrowth. What attracted me first was the natural character of the product. After taking the time to find out, I finally opted for the cure Krynéo Intense Repair To maximize my chances of success.


After how long have you seen the first results?

I have been taking Krynéo since December 2022. I noticed a start -up after 1 month, but above all, my hair continued to push. I started my 2th 3 -month cure and I currently have a 2.5 to 3 cm regrowth.


Have you observed other results than on your hair?


The contribution of vitamins was beneficial to find vitality, in addition to the return to normal, after the COVVID. I manage my stress, my mood is more stable and my skin is also healthier.


Do you find the Krynéo Cure easy to take and did it achieve the goals you want?

Yes, the Krynéo cure is easy to follow, but I highly recommend taking it after eating in the morning. I took it once on an empty stomach and it caused me stomach pain.

Regarding the results, I am very satisfied. I hoped to find vitality for my hair, stop falling and fill the sparse areas, and all these objectives have been achieved.
I was even able to go back to the hairdresser to do a coloring, something that I had not done for a long time. I recommend this cure in combination with a healthy diet and good stress management.
Thanks to that, I start to feel better about me and I learned to listen to the signals that my body sends me.


I would like to thank Maud for his generosity and the sharing of his experience with our Krynéo cure, as well as for the photos that allow us to see, very concretely, the positive evolution of treatment.
During our meeting, I was impressed by her joie de vivre and her positivity, despite the difficulties she encountered and the consequences visible on her appearance.
It is often said that hair is a reflection of our health and in this specific case there is nothing more true.
We agreed to see each other again in six months to follow his progress with the Krynéo treatment. I can't wait to see the positive results that our cure can offer him and share other inspiring and hopeful stories with you!

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