Why does the hair lose in density?
To understand this phenomenon, we must first be interested in the hair life cycle.
Hair has a defined lifespan because it grows and fall to the rhythm of 3 "phases":
- There growth (Anagène phase), which lasts between two and seven years and during which the hair grows from 10 to 15 cm each year.
- THE rest (Catagen phase), which lasts two to three weeks and which consists of gradually stopping hair growth.
- There fall (Telogen phase), which extends over about three months and during which the hair falls when a new hair follicle is ready to replace it.

Each hair is at a stage different from its life cycle, which explains that they push and fall into delay And that we only lose a small amount of hair every day (100 to 150).
Certain circumstances (stress, fatigue, lack of physical activity, etc.), Nutrient deficiencies or hormonal upheavals can impact the life cycle of the hair. The growth phase, called "anagène", becomes shorter, what Makes the hair less dense, thinner and less visible.
The main causes of the loss of hair density are heredity, THE hormonal imbalance and an Poor vascularization of the hair bulb.
Ultimately, if the situation does not return to normal (all the necessary nutrients, a regular sports activity, a hormonal balance, etc.), The risk is that the Anagène phase stops simply. It is then that the hair fell and stop growing.
The hair loses in density with age
These different factors can cause a loss of hair density at any time of life: at 20, 30, 60 years... However, and it is inevitable, age also naturally involves a hair change. Generally, The hair becomes gray or white, The hair is refined and the hair loses in volume.
Over time, men especially tend to lose their hair. First of all, it is the base of the hair (above the face) that steps back and the top of the head that gets off. Some may become bald.
Women lose less hair, but are more affected by the loss of hair density. They are experiencing a real change in the texture and volume of their hair, which becomes finer and sparse. The scalp is more visible than before the hair.
How do you know if your hair is refined?
Some signs may testify to a loss of density of your hair:
- The natural line of your hair is wider and marked
- Your hair is finer
- Your hair is sparse and your scalp is more visible than before.
What if you notice a loss of density of your hair?
See your doctor or dermatologist to investigate potential causes (hypothyroidism, hormonal upheaval, nutritional deficiencies, etc.).
- Take care of your scalp (Discover our advice here). Irritations, skin inflammation, dandruff Or even psoriasis can undermine the balance of this very sensitive skin area, which will have repercussions on hair bulbs, and therefore on the condition of your hair.
- Optimize your daily health routine and improve your lifestyle: Practice a Regular physical activity, limit your consumption ofalcohol and of tobacco, Drink enough water to stay well hydrated and Strengthen your health (and therefore, your hair health!) by following a Food supplements cure natural, targeted and efficient.