Research has shown that when the intestine ecosystem is unbalanced, this can affect the synthesis of certain vitamins, such as biotin, and production hormone which participate in the vitality and growth of the hair.
Bloating, stomach aches or fermentation are often signs ofintestinal dysbiosis and this can be the cause of a hair loss.

Why is the health of our intestine so important?
Our digestive system is the hearth of billions of microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses and protozoa) which constitute the intestinal microbiota. It plays an important role in digestion, absorption of nutrients, inflammation management and stimulation of the immune system.
Our emotional well-being is also linked to our digestive system, since it produces neurotransmitters such as serotonin, gaba and dopamine. These molecules are capital in the regulation of mood, anxiety and stress.
What is intestinal dysbiosis?
Dysbiosis designates an alteration of the functioning and diversity of microorganisms that populate the intestine, more precisely the microbiota. In other words, it is a disturbance of the balance of the variety of living organisms present in our intestinal flora.
Physical inactivity, the stress, the tobacco can be implicated, Food also has a very important role to play.
Why does intestinal dysbiosis have an impact on the health of our hair?
When the microbiota is unbalanced, it absorbs nutrients less well such as proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for the good renewal of the hair cycle.
- Intestinal dysbiosis can cause chronic inflammation of vsUir hair. The hair follicles are damaged and the blood circulation is sharply reduced. Irrigation is no longer done properly and the hair falls.
- If the production of biotin is disrupted due to an imbalance in the intestinal flora, the production of keratine, Basic hair component, is automatically impacted. They become rough, dry and brittle.
- Intestinal bacteria help regulate the level of hormones in the human body, including those responsible for hair growth: testosterone, estrogens, and cortisol level.
How to improve microbiota health and prevent hair damage?
We pamper his flora thanks to a diet adapted and natural supplements.
→ We avoid attacks
We say stop to the alcohol, to processed foods and excessive meat consumption.
We pay attention to drugs (especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antacids and antibiotics)
→ We feed the microbiota with fibers and prebiotics
Vegetables, fruits legumes, nuts, complete foods and unprocessed cereals are rich in quality fibers. Omega-3s are good prebiotics.
→ We bring him the right bacteria
Either thanks to foods that stimulate the production of these bacteria (yogurt, kefir, kombucha, etc.), or thanks to food supplements.
Our advice to maintain your intestinal balance and keep a nice mane?
In combination with a healthy lifestyle and an adaptation of your diet, Start a food supplement cure Kryneo.
Before the change of season, in the event of a period of stress or big fatigue, the Krynéo cure Essential Care acts in prevention and strengthens hair thanks to 16 cutting -edge ingredients with complementary actions: zinc (growth factor), keratin (constitutive brick of the hair), vitamins B, selenium (natural antioxidant)…
Following hormonal variations, an emotional shock or when the body undergoes a test, it needs powerful natural elements to regenerate.Kryneo Curative Cure Intense repair is made up of natural nutrients that boost hair regeneration. It contains 23 cutting-edge ingredients: vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids to strengthen your health, including zinc, growth factor, B vitamins and keratin, brick of the hair.