
5 min
When you lose your hair, discomfort and loss of self-confidence can quickly settle. To find a greater physical and moral well-being, there are many those who take the plunge and decide to take cures of food supplements. Only here: between all the brands and hair products that exist on the market, it is not easy to find your way!
What differentiates Krynéo from his competitors? Do the cures Krynéo Essential Care And Intense repair Can you really help you? We will explain everything to you.

Krynéo's story in a few words

It was with Salva that the Krynéo adventure started. Always passionate about health and nutrition and having adopted a very good lifestyle himself, nothing had prepared him to suffer from a sudden hair loss, Like 70 % of men and 40 % of women.

Confidence and morale at half mast, Salva has Tested for several years all possible and imaginable solutions. Without success. Determined not to be put down and certainly not ready to accept this hair loss, Salva decided to refocus on the essential - and what he knew best, since he specializes in nutritherapy -: nutrition . In a final momentum of optimism, he brought together several doctors and scientists to peel clinical studies and test all the ingredients renowned for their virtues on hair health.

Together, they experienced several formulas, again and again, until they find the right recipe: the only cure that really helped it find more resistant, dense and shiny hair.

Salva has drawn from this long search a conviction: all those who suffer from hair loss should have access to the best in terms of health to finally feel better. The fact that he had the chance to develop his own solution (thanks to his expertise in nutritherapy and the help of his colleagues doctors and scientists) did not mean that he must be the only one to take advantage of it. This is where the Krynéo project was born.



Krynéo's values



If it is clear that there is no miracle solution and it is not possible overnight to go from a scalp largely relaxed with long and thick hair, it is however possible, with The right products, to go towards better and to see a real difference.

With his own experience, Salva knew that finding hair everywhere (in the sink, on the ground, clothes and cushions) was not inevitable. He therefore wanted, in co-founding Krynéo, to give hope to the people who also suffered from a hair fall. His ambition was clear from the start: bring a natural and powerful solution to all those who want to feel better. Nothing less.



Passionate about power of nature and the Plant benefits, our team, under the impetus of Salva, bet everything on innovation by looking The most powerful ingredients. Our research has led us to identify key nutrients to optimize the state of hair fiber (Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids), as well as the most efficient plants in the health of the hair. We have thus associated the two in our formulas, with dosages until then ever affected in hair cures. Compare the composition of our cures to those of competitors and you will be surprised by the difference!

In addition, we did not just select nutrients that act on the health of the hair, such as the zinc or the keratin. We also have targeted the other most common causes of hair loss, of which the stress, that our cures fight thanks to saffron, or thehormonal balance, that we aim for specific ingredients.

We have differentiated our cures for men and women, because the hormonal upheavals are one of the main causes of the hair fall, and that the hormonal reality of man and woman is not the same. To help everyone reach a better hormonal balance, we have therefore selected natural ingredients recognized for their impact on female and male hormones. THE dwarf palm tree In particular, one of the plants that benefit the most to the hormonal well-being of man, while for women, these aree hops, luzerne, flax seeds and sage seeds which are the most effective.

OUR Want to innovate and to surpass ourselves constantly, mixed with our scientific skills and our Passion for nutritherapy, allowed us to develop 100 % natural solutions which today offer unequal results. Successful bet for Salva of which it was the dream a few years ago!



Taking care of yourself, the other, the environment and the health of each, this is the mantra that animates us on a daily basis. Whether it is our team spirit, our relationship to customers or our way of designing our products, it is this idea of ​​the "Take Care" that predominates.

It is also with this in mind that we have chosen to develop Two ranges of food supplements Who each correspond to a situation, as well as to an objective :

The cures Essential Care are ideal when:

  • The hair is dull
  • The hair lacks vitality
  • Hair loss is low to moderate

The aim of these cures are to:

  • Strengthen hair health
  • Stimulate natural hair growth
  • Increase the vitality and shine of the hair



The cures Intense repair are ideal when:

  • The hair is fragile and brittle
  • The hair has lost density and seems sparse
  • Hair loss is moderate to Intense

The aim of these cures are to:

  • Act on all the causes of the hair fall and repair damaged hair
  • Brake the fall and boost hair regrowth
  • Increase the density and resistance of the hair




Krynéo is the result of Salva's personal adventure and has turned into a story of passion for our entire team. From the first days, we decided that we did not want to be only a company that designs and manufactures food supplements: we wanted to meet all those who shared our old difficulties related to hair health. We wanted to exchange and share with them everything we learned as this adventure goes. Because having lived (and defeated!) Hair loss, we know what it is and we especially have Many tips to offer. On social networks, by email and by telephone, but also on our Hair review, Delphine, the co-founder of Krynéo, therefore shares with you all the information that can help you, too, achieve greater physical and moral well-being.


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Continue your trip to healthier and stronger hair With our cures specially designed for you.

I discover my cure

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