Hair health is fragile and can be influenced positively or negatively throughout our lives. Men or women, we are all likely to suffer from one or more hair loss, whether limited or acute. And the causes of these hair falls are diverse: stressful period, emotional shock, food deficiencies, hormonal disruption, seasonal changes ... From the most serious, the causes of hair loss are numerous.
The answer to our question can therefore not be as simple as a "yes" or "no". Because just like hair loss, regrowth also depends on many factors: the cause of hair loss, above all, since it will define its gravity, but also its treatment and the care that we carry to His hair to maintain it and keep it healthy.

1. Identify the cause of hair loss
Hair loss can be caused by a series of Different causes which each involve a variable degree of severity and that require specific treatments.To properly treat hair loss and put the odds on your side to promote their regrowth, so it is above all to make the right diagnosis.
The first step if you are faced with hair loss is to quickly consult a health professional. Consult this article to find out Who consult and When In case of hair loss.
Other factors can also influence the regrowth of your hair: your overall health, your possible nutritious deficiencies, heredity, etc.
The causes and consequences of hair loss that can therefore greatly vary on a case -by -case basis, generalities are to be avoided. To give you an idea of the chances of regrowth of your hair, we can classify hair falls according to two categories general: the cases where regrowth is likely and the cases where The regrowth is compromised.
The hair generally grows up after a hair drop due to:
A season change or a period of moderate stress and/or hair fall during a fairly short period (a few months) and grow back directly.
Of the nutritional deficiencies. If the needs of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids essential to hair health are identified and quickly filled, the health of the hair can be found. To guarantee your hair all the contributions they need to be nourished from the inside, follow a varied and balanced diet. Also strengthen your intake with a natural food supplements cure: a curative solution to restore the health of the hair and a preventive solution to then maintain this health.
A disease. In the event of fever, cancer treatment or various infections, but also following the taking of certain drugs, your hair can drop. They should repel when the situation has returned to normal and you have regained better health.
A hormonal disruption. The hair health of men and women is greatly influenced by hormones. To find out more, read our article dedicated to the impact of hormones on hair health. Once the hormonal balance has been found, the hair grows back.
A natural life cycle of the hair. Remember that it is completely normal to lose 50 to 100 hair per day, because the hair is constantly renewed according to a life cycle which takes place in three phases:
There growth(Anagène phase), which lasts between two and five years and during which the hair grows from 10 to 15 cm each year.
THE rest(Catagen phase), which lasts two to three weeks and which consists of gradually stopping hair growth.
There fall(Telogen phase), which extends over about three months and during which the hair falls when a new hair follicle is ready to replace it.
The hair generally does not repel after a hair fall due to:
Androgenic alopecia that is not treated early enough. This type of hair loss linked to genetics and hormones is the most common and yet the most difficult to counter. However, it is possible to brake or stop this hair fall when it is taken care of in time with drug or hormonal treatments or thanks to targeted supplementation.
Age. It is quite natural and almost inevitable to lose more hair with age. These do not repel or little and the hair fiber becomes finer as you age.
2. Treat the hair fall
When the cause of your hair loss is identified, it is time to treat it. We can never say it enough: To improve your hair health, the key is to react quickly!
If a food deficiency has caused your hair fall, add vitamins to your health routine without delay. If it is a natural hair loss linked to a change of season, it will be useful to strengthen your body thanks to certain vitamins and the practice of physical activity. In the event of stress or disturbed sleep, sport, relaxation, meditation or psychological support can help you.
The healthcare professional who has made the diagnosis can help you define the actions to be implemented to improve the condition of your health, and therefore your hair.
3. Take care of the hair
If you want to put the odds on your side so that your hair is repelled and staying healthy, follow these tips:
Nourish your hair from the inside. To have healthy hair, the golden rule is to adopt a healthy, varied and balanced diet. So it all starts with the plate. In case of hair loss, fill your deficiencies Thanks to a cure of food supplements specially formulated to meet the needs of the hair.
Favor a good lifestyle. The health of your hair depends on your general health. Some health reflexes are therefore essential: do not smoke, avoid exposure to UV rays, practice regular physical activity, sleep well and decrease the sources of stress as much as possible.
Use some suitable hair products. Depending on your type of hair and the condition of your scalp, ensure the ingredients present in your hair products and favor natural alternatives. Make sure that the composition of your products is not harmful to the health of your hair. Read our article on the ingredients to avoid.