
4 min
Losing your hair suddenly and in mass is a scary psychological phenomenon and difficult to live. It may be a telogen effluvium, an alopecia that affects the entire scalp and which is caused by a disruption of the life cycle of the hair. The effluvium can be acute or chronic and occurs after stress, hormonal change or due to nutritional deficiency.


Keep confidence, your hair will grow back! Despite impressive consequences, This disorder is temporary and reversible. We explain everything to you on the telogen effluvium and how to react to this destabilizing event.


Loss of hair density

The life of the hair is made up of 3 phases:

The Anagène phase: It is the active hair growth phase. This phase lasts two to seven years, depending on the person. During this period, the cells of the root are divided quickly and reproduce to lengthen the hair. About 85% of the hair mass is in the anagène phase.

The catagen phase is the hair transition phase. It only lasts two to three weeks and marks the end of the active growth period. Racine cells stop dividing and the hair is starting to detach from the follicle.
The hair rest phase is called Telogen phase. It lasts about three months and occurs when they are completely detached from the follicle. Telogen hair is easily falling during brushing or care. About 10% to 15% of our hair mass is in the telogen phase.
After this last phase, the hair begins to push from the hair follicles, marking the start of a new cycle. This alternation of growth and rest is repeated throughout life.
When you suffer from telogen effluvium, the hair life cycle is disrupted. Your hair is refined And fall en masse. Unlike androgenetic alopecia, the fall is not located, but touch the entire scalp area.
Telogen effluvium causes a loss of hair sudden and generalized and affects men as well as women.


This disorder can be manifested in 2 forms:

Acute telogen effluvium

As explained previously, around 10% of the hair is in the Telogen phase, the rest phase of the hair cycle during which the hair follicle shrinks and the hair stands out.

In the case of acute telogen effluvium, this proportion can increase up to 30 to 40%, which causes greater hair loss.
This condition is often temporary and hair growth will resume once the underlying cause has been treated or that the body has had time to recover.


Chronic telogen effluvium

The disorders and consequences noted are the same as for the acute telogen effluvium: the hair falls generally and without clear triggering. The difference is marked by the duration: the disturbed growth cycle causes A hair loss for a minimum period of 6 months.

In most cases, The disturbance stabilizes after a few months and the hair naturally.


What are the factors responsible for the telogen effluvium?


Have you given birth recently? Within 2 to 5 months following childbirth, Many young mothers undergo hair loss following significant hormonal fluctuation. It is a likely manifestation of the acute telogen effluvium.
If you live a stressful situation or great anxiety, This can disrupt the hair growth cycle and bring the hair follicles to enter, prematurely, in a rest phase.
It's the same for some diseases Like autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, viral or bacterial infections.
Drug treatments (Anxiolytic, chemotherapy, anticoagulant, antifungal, etc.) are also potentially responsible for the disturbance of the life cycle of your hair and a manifestation of the telogen effluvium.
You follow a diet particular ? Be careful to monitor your nutrient intake, like iron, zinc, Vitamin D or biotin.






Our advice to treat the telogen effluvium:

If you notice a massive and diffuse, diffuse hair loss, Make an appointment with your doctor To perform a complete health check. He can recommend a suitable treatment.

Do not stay alone (e) ! Psychological support can also help you get through this period, if it turns out to be morally difficult.
In combination with a good diet and better stress management, Start a cure of food supplements Krynéo.


Kryneo Curative Cure Intense repair

It is made up of natural nutrients that boost hair regeneration. It contains 23 cutting-edge ingredients: vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids to strengthen your health including zinc, growth factor, the Vitamins B and some keratin, brick of constitution of the hair.
The result after 3 to 6 months of treatment: No or no more hair loss, denser and shiny hair, more resistant and thick hair.


The dosage of our cures is adapted according to the needs of the man and the woman.


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